Temple University Ambler offers a variety of recreational activities for its students.

These activities are specifically designed for the Ambler Campus and include informal recreation throughout the year.

Recreation Services, the Office of Student and Campus Life and the Office of Non-Credit and Special Programs invite students to participate in health and wellness programs and intramural sports offered in the Red Barn Gym and across campus.

Learn more about student events, as well as weekly and ongoing based programming such as Welcome Weeks, Wellness Day, LinkedIn Headshots, National Coming Out Week, ESports Gaming and Streaming Party, Blood Drives, and more. You can search for upcoming events here:

To get involved with a student activities or organization, click here or contact Krista DeLeone, Assistant Director of Student & Campus Life at krista.deleone@temple.edu or 267-468-8423.

Learn more about all non-credit programs offered at Temple Ambler.

Intramural Sports

Contact Temple Ambler Recreation Services to learn how to join a team or start a new one at 267-468-8151, or email us at tua_row@temple.edu.