Temple Ambler EarthFest:
The Science of Scary
Saturday, September 21
3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Bright Hall Lounge
It goes without saying that some things in nature are simply frightening. Coming across a snake in the wild will definitely overheat your fight of flight (mostly flight) response in no time!
Just because something seems scary, however, doesn’t mean that it is harmful! Celebrate the fall season in a different way by learning about the science behind the things in nature that may scare you but are essential to their environment.
Temple University Ambler EarthFest will host The Science of Scary on Saturday, September 21, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in Bright Hall in the center of campus. Science of Scary is being held in partnership with the Temple Ambler Field Station and the Ambler Arboretum of Temple University.
All animals and insects, no matter how creepy or crawly, serve an essential purpose in their ecosystems and increase biodiversity! Gain a deeper understanding of the wonders of nature and the amazing things that may be found right in your own backyard.
Connect with the world around you by learning about animals and insects such as arachnids, snakes, carnivorous plants, skunks, lizards, and “monsters” of the deep. Science of Scary is being held this year in tandem with the Temple Ambler Campout. Join us under the stars for a night of camping, tours, s’more and more! Learn more.
The Science of Scary is designed to help learners and citizen scientists of all ages gain a deeper understanding of the wonders of nature and the amazing things that may be found right in their own backyards. What will you discover?
Discover a treasure trove of Science of Scary content online!
Event Registration
Admission to Temple Ambler EarthFest: The Science of Scary is free! Please note: Science of Scary and Temple Ambler Campout use the the same registration form. There is an option to select just the Science of Scary if you are not planning on camping out with us.
Visitors are asked to register for the event prior to September 21. Please include the number of guests that will be attending.
For additional information, contact duffyj@temple.edu or 267-468-8108.