Students in the pool

OwlVenture Program

Your adventure begins here. Explore a different side of Temple University with the new OwlVenture Program – an overnight orientation experience at the scenic Ambler Campus and Arboretum. You will build positive connections with other new Owls, develop your capacity to lead, and gain perseverance for your new TU journey through participation in multiple outdoor activities.

The program includes 1-night tent camping post-orientation plus a low ropes challenge course, teambuilding activities, a pool party, evening s’mores around the campfire, and more!

The program cost is $25 and includes all food and transportation to and from Main Campus to Ambler Campus. All camping equipment will be provided. Requires no prior experience – just the desire to have a great time and create lasting friendships with other incoming students!

Dates, Time and Location

  • OwlVenture will take place on June 27-28 and July 23-24
    • Registration preference will be given to students attending an orientation session at Main Campus or Ambler Campus on either June 27 or July 23.

  • OwlVenture will run from 6:30 p.m. on Day 1 to 2 p.m. on Day 2
    • Bus transportation from Main Campus will leave at 5:30 p.m. following orientation programming
    • A return trip to Main Campus is available on Day 2 at 3 p.m.
  • OwlVenture will take place on Temple Ambler Campus
    • Check in takes place at Bright Hall



Do I need a ticket to attend? If so, how much does it cost and how can I purchase one?

You will need to register online after signing up for your selected orientation date. The program cost is $25 per person, with an option to apply for a fee waiver if cost is a barrier. To apply for a fee waiver, please email .

Once you are registered for June 27 or July 23 orientation, you will be given the option to register for the OwlVenture program!

Do attendees need to bring anything with them? If so, what?

Yes, a full packing list will be sent to you once you register. In addition to clothes and toiletries, students will need to bring a sleeping bag (or sheets/blanket), a sleeping pad, and pillow. A tent and other supplies will be provided.

If I have questions about the event, who should I ask?

If you have questions, please call 267-468-8200 or email .