Non-Degree Seeking And Visiting Student Registration
Non-degree seeking and visiting students who are interested in taking classes at Temple University Ambler can begin the process here:
First-year students may register for a maximum of 11 credits per semester. Second-year students' registrations are based upon academic progress. Continuing Studies students are urged to apply for admission after the successful completion of 30 credits with a 2.0 GPA.
Preadmission counseling, academic advising, registration and other support services are provided for non-degree seeking students. Please contact our academic advising team at [click-for-email] or 267-468-8200.
Payment can be mailed to:
Temple University
Bursar’s Office
1803 North Broad Street
Carnell Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19122
If you have access to Self Service Banner at TUportal, you can make a payment by electronic check or credit card through TUpay.
How to Access TUpay
Students can access TUpay through TUportal.
Go to
Enter your TU username and password (the Accessnet information you enter to access your Temple e-mail account).
Select Costs and Aid.
Select TUpay.
If you forget your Accessnet password, contact the Computer Services Help Desk at 215-204-8000.
Financial Aid
For information and instructions, visiting students should contact the financial aid office at their home schools and Temple University Ambler's Office of Office of Student Financial Services at 267-468-8443.
Transcripts/Transfer of Credits to Home Institutions
Official Temple University transcripts can be ordered online. Learn more about ordering official Temple transcripts.