
The Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 require colleges to provide reasonable accommodations for students who have documented disabilities.

All applicants to Temple University follow the standard application procedures. Once admitted to the university, if accommodations are needed during new student orientation and placement testing, please contact the Disability Resources and Services Office at Main Campus as soon as possible. Before the beginning of the first semester, register online and present documentation to the Disability Resources and Services Office (DRS) at Main Campus. 

Although Disabilities Resources and Services (DRS) is located at Main Campus, the Academic and Student Services staff at Ambler Campus serves as a liaison to that office, and can assist students with navigating the DRS application process and procedures.  In addition, staff members work with both students, faculty to provide testing accommodations at Ambler Campus when needed. 

Contact Information:
Ambler Campus
The Learning Center

Monday through Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 to 5 p.m.

Register with DRS

To receive accommodations and services, students must first register with Disability Resources and Services. We want this to be a clear and straightforward process. Please contact DRS if we can help in any way at 215-204-1280.

Step 1
Log in to MyDRS and select Register with DRS to complete the Student Information Form and upload any current and relevant documentation that supports your request for accommodations. Documentation may also be mailed, faxed or hand-delivered to the DRS office.

Step 2
You will be contacted via your Temple email account to schedule an initial meeting after your materials are received and reviewed. Please note that it could take up to three weeks before you meet with a coordinator on Main Campus.

Step 3
Meet with the coordinator to discuss reasonable accommodations.   

After discussing individual needs and reasonable accommodations with DRS coordinators, accommodation letters are then provided to each qualified student. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure the instructors receive the information at the beginning of the semester. Faculty members cannot retroactively provide academic adjustments for course requirements for students who have not previously presented a letter supporting such requests. If tutoring or additional help is needed, referrals will be made to appropriate college resources.

Classroom accommodations may include, but are not limited to, extended exam time, proctored testing, audio books, sign language interpreting, use of adaptive computer equipment, and note-taking services. If a disability requires parking privileges on campus or closer to the campus, please see Parking Services in West Hall 102 with the proper documentation.

Disability Resources and Services can also provide general information about disabilities, but all individual student information is confidential. We encourage students to be independent, involved and informed.

Disability Parking at Ambler Campus

Parking spaces are available for persons with permanent or temporary disabilities.

For more information, call 267-468-8250.