When Shawn Smyth-Toner was born two months early to March of Dimes Ambassador family Patti Smyth and John Toner, he weighed just a little more than three pounds — a bag of sugar weighs five.
When Patti Smyth saw her son for the first time, he was enmeshed in padded sunglasses and a complex array of tubes assisting his tiny frame with breathing and eating. Forth-three days later, he was finally able to leave the newborn intensive care unit and come home.
Shawn's family is among the thousands helped by the March of Dimes each year. Thanks to March of Dimes funded research on surfactant therapy and nitric oxide, two-thirds of the babies that would have died from respiratory distress syndrome now survive their early birth.
To help reduce the staggering number of premature births, hundreds of heroes will be lacing up their walking shoes for the Eastern Montgomery County March of Dimes March for Babies 2015, which will be held at Temple University Ambler on Sunday, April 26 — registration begins at 9 a.m. in Bright Hall Circle.
"Premature birth and infant mortality results in 45 classrooms worth of parents who were supposed to send their kids to kindergarten each year — 45 families who will never have that joy, that excitement, 45 classrooms worth of children born too small," said March of Dimes March for Babies site coordinator Melissa Reedy. "We are more committed than ever to improving the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality."
Premature birth is the number one obstetric problem in the United States, affecting nearly half a million babies and their families each year. It is very likely that you know someone — perhaps someone in your family — that has struggled through the heartache of worry that prematurity can bring.
March for Babies highlights the March of Dimes' ongoing campaign to raise public awareness, reduce the rates of pre-term birth, and increase research to find the cause of prematurity. This will be the 18th consecutive year Temple University Ambler has served as a March of Dimes March for Babies host.
The 2014 March of Dimes March for Babies at Ambler proved extremely successful. There were 132 teams and more than 1,000 walkers who raised more than $274,000 for healthier babies, said Reedy.
"This year, we anticipate 1,500 participants from 110 teams," said Reedy. "Our goal for the Ambler Campus walk this year is to raise $304,000."
The Temple Ambler team "works very hard each year, not only by raising money but also as volunteers on walk day," said Ambler Campus March of Dimes Committee member Michelle Morales-Whiting.
"The campus community always rises to the challenge to help in the fight against premature birth. Students raised nearly $300 through pretzel sales," she said. "Students and staff have once again stepped up to volunteer on walk day. Their continued commitment to the March of Dimes is very much appreciated!"
To volunteer on walk day, contact 267-468-8080 or michelle.whiting@temple.edu. To become a member of the Ambler Campus March for Babies team, join online!
"It is truly exciting planning for the March for Babies each year," Morales-Whiting said. "We are so thankful to all of the student groups involved with the effort; their enthusiasm is contagious and really helps to jumpstart the team!"
Reedy said the March of Dimes is "extremely fortunate" to have so many Temple students and staff willing to volunteer their time and effort to making each year's walk a success.
"There is so much enthusiasm for the event and so many Temple people help out prior to and on the day of the walk. The student volunteers that help with set up and cleanup are invaluable," she said. "Without Temple, this event wouldn't be what it is."
March for Babies is the March of Dimes' largest yearly fundraiser. Ambler Campus site walkers come from more than 100 companies, organizations, schools, and families in the Ambler area. Money raised during the walk often stays right in this area, said Reedy.
"With so many teaching hospitals in the region, such as Abington and Thomas Jefferson, March of Dimes is able to help communities come together for our mission," she said. "The walk is a great experience if you haven't done it. It an opportunity to come out as a team and let people know that the campus cares about this very important cause."
It is not too late to support the March for Babies team at Ambler! For more information, contact Michelle Morales-Whiting at 267-468-8080 or michelle.whiting@temple.edu. Visit here to join or support the Ambler Team!
The March of Dimes is a national voluntary health agency whose mission is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects and infant mortality. Founded in 1938, the March of Dimes funds programs for research, community services, education, and advocacy to save babies. For more information on the March of Dimes, visit the organization's website at www.modimes.org.