At Temple Ambler, Temple University students have the opportunity to become Experiential Education Facilitators.
Facilitators are responsible for delivering programming utilizing the community building activities, team initiatives and the low ropes challenge course as well as debriefing strategies.
With these experiential programs, Lynn said, "debrief is essential to get the most out of it — you have to ask the questions that lead participants to reflect on 'what happened, so what and now what.'"
"It's great if your team won the race, balanced the ball, crossed the rings. It's even better if you understand why, and your why might be completely different from the team who did it last week," she said. "Your what or now what might be different if you do it again tomorrow or next year. In my experience, those conversations illuminate the real growth for individuals in these spaces."
Elo Bridget Osigho, a graduate student in the Financial Analysis program in the Fox School of Business, said her experience as an Experiential Education Facilitator "involved team bonding exercises with sororities, fraternities, clubs and diverse groups of students from different regions and countries, which has not only strengthened the bonds within these groups but has also equipped me with valuable skills."
"It strengthened my leadership abilities and refined my communication skills. Guiding and coordinating activities for these diverse groups required adaptability, empathy and the capacity to think on my feet — these qualities have been invaluable in navigating various challenges and working collaboratively with team members," she said. "The ability to foster inclusivity, facilitate effective communication, and lead diverse teams has translated seamlessly into my personal relationships being a foreign national myself, allowing me to better understand and appreciate diverse perspectives, resolve conflicts effectively, and foster stronger connections. This has undoubtedly shaped my personal growth and contributed to my everyday life and future professional endeavors."