The Temple University Ambler Library is a treasure trove of information about everything from sustainability, the environment and citizen science to ecology, aquaponics and conservation (and everything in between).
For Earth Day, the Library has selected a few materials from the extensive repository of information held by the Temple University library system; including, of course, the Ambler Campus Library and online materials. If you have questions, please contact for more information or instructions for obtaining the online materials. Celebrate the earth and how we live upon it, use it, and better yet, give back to it!
Books (Online and print, and a few fun “children’s books” to look at!)
Bullard, L., & Xiao Xin. (2012). Earth day every day. Minneapolis: Millbrook Press.
Christofferson, B. (2004). The man from clear lake. Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press.
De Bell, G. (1970). The environmental handbook. New York: Ballantine Books.
Environmental Action. (1970). Earth day--the beginning: A guide to survival. New York: Bantam Books.
Lowery, L., Bergherr, M., & Nelson, G. (2004). Earth day (Revis ed.). Minneapolis: Millbrook Press.
Nelson, G., Wozniak, P. R., & Campbell, S. (2002). Beyond earth day. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
Rome, A. (2013). The genius of earth day : How a 1970 teach-in unexpectedly made the first green generation (First ed.). New York: Hill and Wang.
Bailey, R. (2020). Earth day turns 50. Reason, 52(1), 52. Retrieved from
Busch, P. L. (1990). Earth day: On building an environmental ethic. Environmental Science & Technology, 24(4), 408. doi:10.1021/es00074a614
Cahn, R., & Cahn, P. (1990). Did earth day change the world? Environment, 32(7), 16. doi:10.1080/00139157.1990.9929039
Clark, W. C. (2000). Earth day at 30. Environment, 42(3), 1. Retrieved from
Disinger, J. F. (1981). Environmental education for the eighties. Journal of Soil & Water Conservation, 36(1), 9. Retrieved from
Senior, K. (2009). A birthday for earth day Retrieved from
Stoss, F. (1995). Earth day 1970-1995: An information perspective. Electronic Green Journal, , N.PAG. Retrieved from
Thomson, J. (2017). Surviving the 1970s: The case of friends of the earth. Environmental History, 22(2), 235-256. doi:10.1093/envhis/emw100